Important dates

Base 11 & 12


Monday (outdoor) – Netball

Thursday (indoor) – Athletics

Children will need a PE kit consisting of a plain white t-shirt and plain black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.

Written or verbal explanation from you should be given to the class teacher, prior to the PE session, if your child is not participating. It is also important to note that no jewellery is permitted during physical education sessions. If your child is wearing jewellery they will be responsible for removing and storing their own jewellery. Our advice is that children do not wear any jewellery on their P.E. days.


Weekly spellings will be put in home school diaries on a Friday and handed out on a Monday. Please remember to log into Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to complete Maths homework set by the teacher each week.  Children are expected to bring their home school diaries into school every day so that reading can be logged.