Year 2
1st Half Autumn Term
In writing lessons we will be reading books linked to healthy food and lifestyles. Our writing will also link to this theme and will include writing instructions on how to make a fruit salad and other fun healthy activities. In Mathematics, we will be revisiting addition and subtraction, as well as developing the children’s understanding of place value. We will be using lots of models and images to support the children’s understanding of number.
In Science, we will focus on how we keep ourselves healthy and fit through exercise and the food that we eat. In History, we will be diving into an exciting history project! The children will be learning about Neil Armstrong and events linked to the moon landing. The children will be having lots of hands-on learning experiences such as re-enacting the moon landing, as well as understanding what it is like to be an astronaut. In PE, we will be further developing the children’s skills in gymnastics and learning the skills required for multi - skills using hands and feet.
2nd Half Autumn Term
This half term in English, will be developing sentence construction linked to the texts Man on the Moon and Sidney, Stella went to the moon. In Mathematics, we will be adding and subtract numbers using concrete objects, and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones. We will also identify and describe the properties of 2 and 3-D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces.
In Science, we will continue to focus on how we keep ourselves healthy and fit through exercise and the food that we eat. We will be learning all about how hygiene and the school nurse will be working with us to learn how to wash our hands and brush our teeth confidently.
In PE, we will be further developing the children’s skills in gymnastics and learning the skills required for multi - skills using our hands and feet. In Geography, we will be focusing on the question: Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place? The children will make comparisons between the UK and Kenya identifying key features of hot and cold places. In Art, the children will work with clay to design and sculpt a rocket.