1st Half Spring Term


During this half term, our theme will be ‘Wonderful Weather’. As part of our geography lessons, we will be looking at what the weather is like here in the UK and begin to learn how to use an atlas. In our writing lessons we will be focusing on the text ‘Elmer’s Weather’. Our mathematics lessons will be focussed on addition and subtraction through numbers to 20 and learning how to record mathematical statements to match these calculations. During our art lessons, we will be learning how to mix primary colours to create secondary colours. We will find out about the famous artists Jasper Johns and Clarice Cliff and look at some of the paintings they have created. Our science lessons will be all about weather. We will be finding out about the different seasons throughout the year and how the weather changes for each season. PE Lessons this half term, will be focussing on Multi-Skills (Hands and Feet). We will be developing skills to throw and kick different sized balls and work in a small group to complete a task or play a game