1st Half Autumn Term
During this half term, our class topic will be The Jolly Postman – Traditional Stories. In RWI, we will be learning the set 1 speed sounds and the rhymes that accompany them. We will be reading traditional stories and retelling these stories with our peers. In Mathematics, we will be subitising different arrangements of numbers within 5 and talking about what we can see. During Understanding the World, we will be focusing on similarities and differences in the natural world, planting, seasons, and hibernation. We will be exploring ice and finding out how and why it melts.
2nd Half Autumn Term
During this half term, our class topic will be The Jolly Postman – Traditional Stories. In RWI, we will be continuing our learning of the set 1 speed sounds, looking at how to form these correctly. We will be focusing on how to hold a pencil correctly and writing our name. In Mathematics, our focus will be develop counting skills and knowledge, including: that the last number in the count tells us ‘how many’ (cardinality). During art we are going to find out different ways we can join materials and then use this knowledge to make a puppet with a moving part. In Past and present we will be looking at kings and queens.